Should your landlord pay for injuries suffered on the property?

On Behalf of | Sep 12, 2022 | Premises liability |

Most landlords want to keep tenants in place for as long as possible. They accomplish this in several ways, by doing things like charging a fair price for rental units, responding timely to tenant complaints and keeping the premise safe and in good condition.

Unfortunately, some landlords fail to respect the relationship between themselves and their tenants. For example, they may let the building and its grounds deteriorate, increasing the risk of tenant and guest injuries.

Who is liable for preventable tenant harm?

It depends on how the incident and the injury occurred. If the harm arose due to a bona fide act of nature, a landlord might not have to cover your injury.

For example, say that a freak storm uproots a tree in your yard. It strikes your leg on its way down, resulting in a fracture. Unless the tree was already a hazard and the landlord knew about it, you probably cannot make them pay for your injuries.

Now, say that you informed your landlord weeks ago that the tree is unstable and clearly a safety hazard. Since landlords must make their property safe, they may be legally liable if an injury occurs that they could have prevented.

What damages can you obtain?

If you qualify for a premises liability or personal injury claim, you can recover compensation for medical expenses related to your injuries. Other damages you may obtain include:

  • Emotional distress caused by the incident
  • Replacement of wages lost due to the injury
  • Compensation for damaged personal property

When premise injuries are catastrophic, victims may qualify for additional pain and suffering compensation.

Familiarize yourself with Georgia accident and injury laws to learn if you have grounds for a claim. Experienced legal guidance can improve your chances of success and obtaining the compensation you are due.