Protect your car accident claim with these social media tips

On Behalf of | Feb 6, 2023 | Car accidents |

When a car accident leaves you with severe injuries, you need every cent you can get from your claim. Managing potentially catastrophic harm like brain damage and spinal cord injuries typically involves several costly medical interventions.

You want to avoid doing anything that could hurt your odds of obtaining the full amount of compensation you deserve. You might be surprised to learn that your social media use could harm your car accident claim.

Social media dos and don’ts

Insurance companies are infamous for using all resources they can find to deny car crash injury claims. They are not above scouring your Facebook and Instagram accounts to uncover evidence to use against you.

Ideally, car accident victims should stay away from social media until after their claim conclude. If you cannot abstain, consider adopting some social media dos and don’ts.

Here is what to do if you continue using social media after your car crash.

  • Update your security and privacy settings
  • Tell friends and family not to discuss the accident
  • Check posts and updates for problems before submitting
  • Discuss post-accident social media use with a legal representative

To avoid inadvertently damaging your case, avoid the following in your online social activities.

  • Talk about the car accident
  • Post pictures related to the crash
  • Make explicit or implied apologies
  • Upload videos of the crash scene aftermath
  • Discuss or show images of your accident injuries

These social media guidelines can protect you in any Georgia personal injury claim, not just those involving car accidents. Someone with a thorough knowledge of state injury and accident compensation laws can offer further guidance.